Jun 1, 2021
Introducing the Rise and Shine it’s Hypno Time Podcast!
Check this out! Deana and I were interviewed recently by Ted Corcoran, the President and CEO of the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce in Florida. We discuss becoming certified in hypnosis and how it can help yourself, and others, as well as the Rise and Shine it’s Hypno Time Podcast! Have a listen, and let us know what you think!
Feb 22, 2022
Episode One - Our Story
The Rise and Shine it’s Hypno Time Podcast is your number one healing podcast to tap into your potential, help you along your healing journey to embody the best version of yourself, and create the life of your dreams! Meet Deana and Suzanne, the hosts of the Rise and Shine it’s Hypno Time podcast. In this episode they discuss how they met, hypnosis, how it works, the importance of mindset and self-preservation, what this podcast means to them, and so much more.